Recipes----wait! what???

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to Work this Blog

For people who are looking through my blog, I need to explain about the additions to the pages in the menu here. I was thinking that each page would work like this particular page, only to find out that that's not how it works. Each of the pages is updated manually by me. I add to the information on each page manually, so that after a brief statement at the top of each page, there will then be the most recent post I've made on the topic. You won't get news of the updates here on this page if you're subscribed to it. You'll need to check each page yourself to see if there are updates under any topic. The topic most likely to be updated currently is the Jewels'n'Jeans page. I'm listing things for sale through that page this week, and that will include some Tarot decks I've decided to part with in addition to things I've made or works in progress.